Ms. Betty Hay (grades K-2) has been teaching in multigrade settings for 18 years. Her passion is working with young children and fanning their natural curiosity for learning. Her classroom is always abuzz with hands-on activities. Ms. Hay is bilingual as she spent most of her childhood living in Mexico. She is a graduate of Washington State University with a degree in Elementary Education. She taught in Washington, Missouri, and Kansas before coming to serve in North Dakota. Outside of teaching, her interests include homesteading crafts and Native American culture. She brings a rich and varied set of skills and cultures to our school. Ms. Hay has three grown children.

Mrs. Janna Wright (head teacher and grades 3-8) attended a one-room, multigrade school in rural South Dakota as an elementary student. She aspired to become a teacher from the time she was a small child as she watched her grandmother teach in the small school that educated her, her siblings, and all of her cousins. Mrs. Wright is a graduate of Union College (Now Union Adventist University) in Lincoln, NE with a B.S. in Elementary Education and an endorsement in Instrumental Music Education. She holds her Masters degree in Multiage/Multigrade Education from Southern Adventist University in Collegedale, TN. She and her husband, Ron, moved to Dickinson in 2016. She believes that God has placed a call on her life to work with young people, to bring them into closer connection with their Creator as they learn skills that will enable them to live a life of service to mankind in preparation for a home in heaven. Mr. Wright frequently plays an active role at the school, as well, providing small group tutoring, Bible studies, and recess supervision.